There is no official utGDDC meeting this week due to Reading Week. Enjoy your Reading Week!
Category Archives: Meeting Announcements
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, Februrary 17 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025
Hey Everyone,
Our Next meeting will be this Thursday From 5pm to 7pm. BA B025. Same time and place as last week’s meeting.
We will be talking about RPGs and how to write a story for a video game. we will also be having a small talk about Copyright law in Canada during the beginning of the meeting.
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, February 10 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025.â€
Hey everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, February 10 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025. Same time and room as last week.
The topic for this week’s meeting is real-life video games.
See you then.
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, February 3 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025 with GMD 2011 game submissions due.â€
Hey everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be this week on Thursday February 3 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025. Same time and room as last week.
This will also be the meeting to submit your game for GMD 2011 if you are participating in the competition. GMD 2011 game submissions and any required files must be handed in at this week’s meeting or earlier; your submission for GMD 2011 will not count otherwise. Instructions for submitting your game can be found on the GMD 2011 Sign-up Form, which you can get at
During this week’s meeting, we will be having a reporter from the GH Radix to interview the club. If you don’t mind having your picture taken for this interview, then please let us know by email or at the meeting. Please note that it’s NOT mandatory to have your picture taken in order to participate (or watch) this interview, so don’t let that stop you from showing up. The topic for this week’s meeting will be discussing the do’s and dont’s of our recent GMD experience.
See you there.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 27 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025â€
Hello everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be happening on Thursday, January 27 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025. Same time, but a slightly different room than last week’s meeting. This week we’ll be showing you how to quickly find Creative Commons materials (sprites, sounds, music, etc.) that you can use in your GMD 2011 game submissions for free. Knowing about the Creative Commons license and where to find media that uses it is incredibly useful and time-saving when making your GMD game, which is why we’ll be going over it in this week’s meeting.
Also, there’s some more good news, everyone. The videogame submission deadline for GMD 2011 has been EXTENDED by ONE week. The new videogame submission deadline is now Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 9 p.m. EST. So, enjoy that extra time to polish up your game submissions.
See you at the meeting this week.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, January 20 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026
Hi everyone,
The game club will be meeting this week on Thursday, January 20 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026, which is the same time and place as last week’s meeting.
This week we’ll be doing something a little different compared our usual meetings. We will be designing and creating a card game. The game will start out with an objective and a simple set of rules, which will eventually evolve and be expanded upon by the group as we playtest our card game. The goal here is to have you all participate in an activity that some developers use to prototype their games in order to establish a fun and balanced game design. Credit goes to game club member Sean for suggesting this idea.
It should be a fun meeting, and we hope to see many, if not all, of you there.
Also, our meeting this Thursday will be the LAST opportunity for anyone who hasn’t already signed up and submitted their entry fee for GMD 2011 to do so. After this week’s meeting, which is on Thursday, January 20 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026, if you have not already submitted your form and entry fee for GMD 2011, then you will NOT be allowed to submit your game for this year’s GMD. So make sure that you get in on the fun and the prizes of GMD 2011 by getting your form and money in by then.
Our first game club meeting of the new year will be on Thursday, January 13 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026
Hey everyone,
Our first game club meeting of the new year will be on Thursday, January 13 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026.
We will be talking about input devices and user interfaces used in gaming, and we will also be answering any questions you may have about this year’s GMD (whether it be about coding, rules etc.).
Please note that this is the last week anyone will be able to hand in the forms and money for this year’s Game-Making Deathmatch (GMD)! If you are interested in joining this year and have not handed in the forms or the money, you must do so before the end of this Thursday’s meeting.
The form can be found at:
It is ten dollars to Join GMD.
See you then.
Happy Holidays. No game club meeting this week.
Hi everyone,
Classes have finished for this semester, so there will be no game club meeting this week (and for the rest of this year). We’ll get back into our regularly scheduled meetings next year at the start of the winter semester. Until then, good luck with your GMD games (post to the forums at if you need help), good luck with exams, and we’ll see you all in the new year!
Also, I just wanted to remind anyone who hasn’t signed up yet for GMD 2011 that you can still do so until Thursday, December 16. The registration form can be found at, and you can get in touch with Shane, the GMD Coordinator, at to arrange a time to meet up with him so that you or your team can pay the $10 registration fee.
Happy holidays.
Our next “informal†meeting will be outside of BA 2179 on Thursday, December 2 from 5pm -7pmâ€
Hi everybody,
Unfortunately, due to a double booking, we don’t have an official room for this week’s game club meeting. However, we will instead be having an “informal†meeting outside of BA 2179 on Thursday, December 2 from 5pm -7pm in order to help people get started on their GMD games by
offering help with programming and other aspects of their game’s development.
Also, due to an increased workload on everyone with exams and such, we want to find out who will be able to make it out to next week’s game club meeting on Thursday, December 9 from 5pm – 7pm. Please hit the “reply†button and let us know if you’d be able to come out to next
week’s meeting. If there are enough people interested, then we will be having a game club meeting next week.
Hopefully, we’ll see you there.
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, November 25 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA 1200.
Hey everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, November 25 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA 1200. It’s during the same time as last week’s meeting, but in different room.
The theme for this year’s Game-Making Deathmatch (GMD 2011) will finally be announced at this special meeting, and registration for the competition will officially open and remain open for 2 weeks afterwards.
Additionally, we will be sharing and discussing some tools and techniques that you can use to help keep your game-making process fun, organized, and stress-free.
See you then.