Category Archives: Featured Posts

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Help us make a Club-Wide Game!


Tyler and Dave, your director and producer here. In case you missed the 1st meeting, but are interested in working on the Club Game, here is a summary of what we talked about.

First, what we are making: a 3/4 view, 2D action/adventure/rpg reminiscent of old Zelda’s (something along the lines of Zelda/Skyrim/Bastion/Fable) We are making the game in XNA. Even if you don’t know XNA, don’t be discouraged, you will have opportunities to learn. There are a variety of different opportunities to participate, but most obvious; programming, art, design, story, audio.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, and you have a little extra time to work on this, please go here to fill out the survey.

Also, Dave and I have a joint email address: if you are interested in the story, no matter how you will be primarily participating, please send us an email describing what you like and want to see in the game, also, things you dislike about action/adventure/RPGs.

Lastly, Tyler will be a walking encyclopaedia about the game project. He is always more than willing to talk to you about what we are doing, he wants your opinions and suggestion. Feel free to contact him:

facebook: Tyler Budolowski (because I prefer fb messages over email)
email: (if email works better for you, that’s cool)
skype: budolowski

Submit Games for the UTGDDC Arcade Cabinet!

You there! Yes, I’m talking to YOU! You being the person READING THIS POST!
Do you make games? Have you already made games? Ever wanted to put them on an ARCADE CABINET!?

Well, in case you haven’t checked it out yet, the UTGDDC has an arcade cabinet in the CSSU and it showcases student games.
Send us YOUR game and we can add it to our cabinet! Either give us a copy at a meeting or email it to!
The game can be built with any engine or programming language, just make sure it runs on Windows.

Continue reading Submit Games for the UTGDDC Arcade Cabinet!

GMD 2012 EXTENDED to January 19

As many of you already know by now, our GMD 2012 competition has begun and the theme for this year’s competition is “Murder Mildly Foul”.

The submission deadline for GMD 2012 has been extended to Thursday January 19!  That’s more time to fix up your games so be sure to submit whatever you’ve got by the new submission deadline, even if you’re not terribly satisfied with it, for an excellent chance to win a prize (usually every videogame submitted will win something).

We were accepting GMD 2012 sign-up forms until the beginning of January, but you can still download these forms from our website if you need to for whatever reason.  As previously mentioned, the theme for GMD 2012 is “Murder Mildly Foul”

Feel free to email us at if you have any other questions about GMD 2012.

Good luck, game developers!