Category Archives: Archived Posts

Any post that is not necessarily a featured post.

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 31 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025

Hey everyone,

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 31 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025.

Starting at 5:10p.m. sharp we will be having elections for 2011/2012 utGDDC executive positions. If you are nominated and want to be elected, you must be there during the voting. Click here to see the list of nominees.

For the second half of our meeting, we will be talking about the future of the utGDDC and the upcoming T.O. Jam event.

See you there.

Nominees for 2011/2012 utGDDC executive members

Here are the nominees for the 2011/2012 utGDDC executive member positions:

Nominees for utGDDC President:


Nominees for utGDDC Vice President


Nominees for utGDDC General Admin


Nominees for utGDDC Website Admin


Nominees for utGDDC GMD Coordinator


Click here for more information about the election on Thursday, March 31 during our game club meeting.

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 24 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025 with executive member nominations.

Hey everyone,

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 24 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025. Same room and time as last week.

This week will be a special meeting because we will be holding nominations for next year’s utGDDC executive positions.

Here are some rules for nominations:
1. Must be a full member of the utGDDC to run
2. Cannot nominate yourself
3. Have to be at this week’s meeting in order to get nominated (if you cannot be at the meeting this week, but still want to be nominated, email Frankie at and an exception can be made)
4. Must attend the election meeting, which will be held next week, in order to have the opportunity to be elected
5. Must be a full member of the club in order to vote
6. Must be a full member of the club in order to nominate someone

Here is a listing of the utGDDC executive positions that you can run for:
Vice President
GMD Coordinator
General Administrator
Advertising and Website Administrator

If you have any questions about utGDDC nominations, the upcoming election, or anything else, please feel free to email us at, and we’ll respond back to your questions right away.

See you all on Thursday.

Baby Maker Extreme 2 has been conceived and delivered by utGDDC alumni Daniel Steger

Over a month ago, utGDDC alumni, Daniel Steger, had his second baby … Baby Maker Extreme 2, that is! As a sequel to the original Baby Maker Extreme, which is the best selling Xbox Marketplace Indie Game of 2010 (yes, you read that correctly) and the second best selling Xbox Marketplace Indie Game of ALL-TIME (congratulations Mr. Steger!), Baby Maker Extreme 2 continues the fun of its predecessor with more levels, super powered babies, and unlockable outfits.

As of the time of this writing, Baby Maker Extreme 2 is available right from the front page of the Xbox Marketplace Indie Games website, a very coveted spot. You can download the trial version of the game for FREE or purchase Baby Maker Extreme 2 full-out for only 80 Microsoft Points (about $1). Additionally, don’t forget to check to check out Mr. Steger’s other released Xbox Marketplace Indie Game title, This is Hard, which came out several months after the original Baby Maker Extreme.

For more information on all of Daniel Steger’s games, visit

CSSU Game Night Starts at 7p.m. on Friday, March 18

The bi-annual CSSU Game Night will be held this week on Friday, March 18 at the Bahen Centre and will begin at 7p.m. This event will be an exciting 12-hour night of fun, gaming, and game tournaments with prizes and food. What’s even more exciting is the fact that we will be having a public showing of the GMD 2011 game submissions at CSSU Game Night. So, you’ll finally have a chance to play all of the games that were submitted for this year’s competition. This event should certainly be worth your time, so come out, have some fun, and support your friends from the utGDDC!

See you there.

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 17 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 17 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026. Same time and room as last week’s meeting. This week we’ll be talking about the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) and how they assign ratings to games.

Also, the utGDDC will be showing off the awesome game submissions from this year’s GMD at the CSSU Game Night this Friday. We are very proud to be doing this, and we can use help with getting computers for the event and setting up. Send Frankie, the utGDDC president, an email at to get more information about how you can help with the public showing of this year’s GMD games at CSSU Game Night.

As always, we hope to see you at our meeting on Thursday, and especially hope to see you at the CSSU Game Night on Friday. Happy gaming, everyone.

IGDA’s GDC Round-Up on Monday, March 14 starting at 7:30p.m. at Metro Hall, Room 308

With GDC 2011 wrapping up last week, the Toronto chapter of the IGDA will be presenting GDC Round-Up with special guest speakers who attended this year’s conference in San Francisco and who will share their GDC 2011 experiences.

This event will begin at 7:30p.m. on Monday, March 14 at Metro Hall, which is located at 55 John Street, in room 308. Guest speakers for this event will include: Patrick Redding, Ubisoft Toronto; Jim McGinley, Big Pants Entertainment; Mark Rabo and Jamie Woo, Gamercamp; and Billy Matjiunis, GDC ’11 Scholarship Winner.

So, if you want to get all the inside details of what happened at this year’s GDC, then this is the event for you. It’s not mandatory, but will be appreciated if you can send an email to to RSVP ahead of time for this event.

After GDC Round-up the IGDA will have their usual social at the Elephant and Castle at 212 King St. West.

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 10 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026

Hi everyone,

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 10 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026. Same time, slightly different room (just one room down from last week’s meeting place).

This week we will be playing through parts of a videogame (you’ll have to show up to find out which one) and discussing aspects of the game that were good and aspects that seemed to have been neglected by the developers.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Great Canadian Appathon (GCA) if you’re interested in participating in this event. The GCA is a chance for post-secondary students all across Canada to create a Windows Phone 7 game over the course of 48 hours and compete to win a number of prizes (over $45 000 in prizes to be won). It’s FREE to sign up for the GCA, and you can participate as part of a team up to 4 people. Remember that if you, or someone you know, has ever made games or programmed using Silverlight, XNA, or the .NET compact framework, then you may already have the knowledge necessary make a Windows Phone 7 app. Although, once you sign up for the GCA, you’ll also have access to their development tutorials, so you can brush up on any coding skills that you require. The GCA starts on Friday, March 10 at 5p.m. so check it out now at:

Lastly, our GMD judging will be taking place within the next week or two. So, if anyone has any possible prizes that they wish to donate for this year’s GMD (such as a videogame that you’ve already played through and would like to give to someone else) then please email Shane at

That is all. Hope to see you at our meeting this week.

The Great Canadian Appathon – sign up by 12 noon on Friday, March 4 for a chance to win an Xbox Kinnect!

The first ever Great Canadian Appathon (GCA), presented by the National Post and XMG Studio, is an event where college and university students create a mobile game for Windows Phone 7 and compete to win one of several cash prizes, including a $25,000 grand prize, a $10,000 second prize, and ten $1,000 cash prizes.

If you’ve NEVER made a Windows Phone 7 game before, you might be pleasantly surprised to find out that you may already know how. Developers for Windows Phone 7 can use Silverlight, XNA Framework, and .NET compact framework to create their apps. So, if you’ve ever created a game using any of these technologies, then you’ve essentially made a Windows Phone 7 app. See for an example of how to write a simple “Hello World” app for Windows Phone 7.

The GCA takes place over the weekend of March 11, so you still have time to brush up on your coding and game development skills. Also, it is completely FREE to register! So, considering the fact that there’s a boatload of prizes to be won, it should be perfectly clear that this is THE game-making competition to enter.

Additionally, if you sign up for the GCA before 12 noon on Friday, March 4, you will be entered in a draw to win an Xbox Kinnect. Making games with the chance to win amazing prizes makes this event something to certainly check out. Go to the GCA’s website at to get more information about this great event.

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 3, 2010 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025 with a special talk by Prof. Danny Heap.‏

Hey everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 3, 2010 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025, same time and room as last week. For this week’s meeting we will have a special guest speaker, Prof. Danny Heap from U of T’s Department of Computer Science, who will come in and talk to us about copyright.

Among teaching other CS courses, Danny Heap also teaches CSC 300, Computers and Society, and if you’ve every had a class with him, you’ll know that he is a very entertaining speaker with lots of interesting insights about computers and the world that we live in.

Copyright has always been a challenging issue when it comes to selling video games, and DRM (Digital Rights Management) is one of the most controversial methods of copyright protection to date. Prof. Heap will be discussing issues such as these in what should prove to be a very interesting and useful talk. This will be a special, informative meeting to come out to, so we hope to see you all there.