Last time, I showed you the simple but effective physics system that powered Lucky Shot. By the end of the article, we had a smooth, adjustable, and flexible movement system that we could apply to each of the AI enemies. I also mentioned that the physics system took care of most of the natural-feeling movement of the game’s enemies, and that the underlying AI was comparatively simple. This is what I’ll be showing you in this article — how the physics and AI worked in tandem.
Category Archives: Archived Posts

The Great Canadian Appathon 2
The Great Canadian Appathon is happening over this weekend and starts on Friday, September 30 at 5pm. The Appathon is a video game-making competition that is completely free to sign up for, and the only requirement to compete is that you must be a student. You can work in a team of up to 4 people while you create your game, and all video game submissions for the event are due by Sunday, October 2 at 4:59pm. This competition has some great cash prizes so sign up to compete or just come down to U of T to watch the event and grab some free stuff.
The Appathon is something that you should definitely check out if you’re interesting in making games, and you can visit the Great Canadian Appathon’s website ( to get more details.

utGDDC Pub Night on Thurs, Dec 1 from 6 – 7pm
Hey everyone,
Because of everyone’s busy schedule, we’ll be having an informal utGDDC end-of-semester pub night this week, instead of our regular meeting, on Thursday, December 1 where we’ll meet up at 6pm outside of BA B024 and then head down to a pub to hang out and relax . Also, we’ll be extending the deadline to sign-up for GMD 2012 until Thursday, December 8, so now you have some extra time to find a partner to participate in GMD 2012 with if you want to work in a pair.
Have a great week, everyone, and we’ll see you on Thursday.

Producer Appointed for utGDDC Game
Congratulations To Daphne, who is the New GDDC Producer!
Who will become Director will be chosen by the club in the first few meetings.

The utGDDC at Clubs Fair
We’re all excited for another year of school because that means another exciting year of making games. Come visit us at the UTSU clubs fair on Wednesday, September 7 to play some of the games that have been created by students during Game Making Death-Matches of previous years. Under Renovation
The utGDDC website is currently undergoing some renovations right now, so if you see something that doesn’t look quite right, it’s all part of the plan.
TO Jam Sixy Times utGDDC games released!
Here they are! The games made by teams UTGDDC, UTGDDC2, and Shawarmas and Milkshakes from this year’s sixth annual TO Jam, which took place over a weekend in the middle of May 2011. Both of these games were made in Flash over the course of 48 hours during the event by utGDDC members! Enjoy!
Click here to download team UTGDDC’s game – Darkness After Dawn
Click here to download team UTGDDC2’s game – Friday Fatale
[updated on May 24, 2011]
To save either of the games featured above to your Desktop, right click on your desired game’s link and select “Save Link As …” After it has completed downloading, you can open this file to enjoy the game you downloaded.
Click here to play the game made by team Shawarmas and Milkshakes – Bubble Invaders
[updated on August 8, 2011]
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, April 7 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025
Hello people,
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, April 7 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025. Same time and room as usual.
This week’s meeting is BIG because we will be showing off the GMD games and handing out prizes. So, if you have any games that you would like to donate as prizes for this year’s GMD, then bring them to this week’s meeting.
Also, if you’re interested in participating in the very fun and very free TO Jam event, which will be taking place in May, then check out the forums and start forming your teams in the new Toronto Game Jam (TO Jam) 2011 forum (visit It is highly recommended that all utGDDC members participate in TO Jam either in-person or as a virtual team member since this event has continuously proven over 6 years to be an incredibly fun and valuable experience in making games over a weekend. Visit for more information about this event.
This will also sadly be our last game club meeting for this semester, but please check out the website and the forums every week or so for new content and events that our club plans to host throughout the summer. We also may spam you from time to time for any really big events that we host this summer (apologies in advance).
See you on Thursday.
Level Up is happening on Monday, April 4 from 5p.m. – 9p.m. at the Bell Tiff Lightbox
Level Up is a showcase of games made by students from Steve Engel’s Video Game Design course offered by the Department of Computer Science at U of T. In this course, students spend the semester creating video games in teams. This year, U of T computer science students worked with OCAD students to create what may be some of the best games to have ever been produced for this course.
The showcasing of these games will truly be a history-making event for video game development at U of T and it will be held at the Bell Tiff Lightbox on Monday, April 4 from 5p.m. – 9p.m. So come by after class or after work and join the Toronto video game community as we all enjoy this amazing event and see some surprising innovations in video game design.
For more information, you can check out the Hand Eye Society’s posting about Level Up.
The results of the utGDDC 2011/2012 executive member election
Here are the results for the 2011/2012 utGDDC executive member elections:
President: Francesco Ciarlandini
Vice President: Derrick Law
GMD Coordinator: Sean Lacy
Website Administrator: Chris Allen
General Administrator: Shane Zeagman
Thank you to everyone who ran. It was great to see such passion by everyone to make this club’s experience even better for next year. We’re looking forward to another year of involvement by not only our newly elected executive members, but also by game club members who are willing to step up and contribute to the utGDDC’s continuing success in a big way.