Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 17 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026. Same time and room as last week’s meeting. This week we’ll be talking about the ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) and how they assign ratings to games.
Also, the utGDDC will be showing off the awesome game submissions from this year’s GMD at the CSSU Game Night this Friday. We are very proud to be doing this, and we can use help with getting computers for the event and setting up. Send Frankie, the utGDDC president, an email at president@utgddc.com to get more information about how you can help with the public showing of this year’s GMD games at CSSU Game Night.
As always, we hope to see you at our meeting on Thursday, and especially hope to see you at the CSSU Game Night on Friday. Happy gaming, everyone.