Hey everyone,
Our next game club meeting will be this week on Thursday February 3 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025. Same time and room as last week.
This will also be the meeting to submit your game for GMD 2011 if you are participating in the competition. GMD 2011 game submissions and any required files must be handed in at this week’s meeting or earlier; your submission for GMD 2011 will not count otherwise. Instructions for submitting your game can be found on the GMD 2011 Sign-up Form, which you can get at http://gmd.utgddc.com/2011/files/GMD2k11rules1.pdf
During this week’s meeting, we will be having a reporter from the GH Radix to interview the club. If you don’t mind having your picture taken for this interview, then please let us know by email or at the meeting. Please note that it’s NOT mandatory to have your picture taken in order to participate (or watch) this interview, so don’t let that stop you from showing up. The topic for this week’s meeting will be discussing the do’s and dont’s of our recent GMD experience.
See you there.