Hello people,
Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, April 7 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B025. Same time and room as usual.
This week’s meeting is BIG because we will be showing off the GMD games and handing out prizes. So, if you have any games that you would like to donate as prizes for this year’s GMD, then bring them to this week’s meeting.
Also, if you’re interested in participating in the very fun and very free TO Jam event, which will be taking place in May, then check out the forums and start forming your teams in the new Toronto Game Jam (TO Jam) 2011 forum (visit forums.utgddc.com). It is highly recommended that all utGDDC members participate in TO Jam either in-person or as a virtual team member since this event has continuously proven over 6 years to be an incredibly fun and valuable experience in making games over a weekend. Visit http://www.tojam.ca for more information about this event.
This will also sadly be our last game club meeting for this semester, but please check out the website and the forums every week or so for new content and events that our club plans to host throughout the summer. We also may spam you from time to time for any really big events that we host this summer (apologies in advance).
See you on Thursday.