Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 10 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026

Hi everyone,

Our next game club meeting will be on Thursday, March 10 from 5p.m. – 7p.m. in BA B026. Same time, slightly different room (just one room down from last week’s meeting place).

This week we will be playing through parts of a videogame (you’ll have to show up to find out which one) and discussing aspects of the game that were good and aspects that seemed to have been neglected by the developers.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for the Great Canadian Appathon (GCA) if you’re interested in participating in this event. The GCA is a chance for post-secondary students all across Canada to create a Windows Phone 7 game over the course of 48 hours and compete to win a number of prizes (over $45 000 in prizes to be won). It’s FREE to sign up for the GCA, and you can participate as part of a team up to 4 people. Remember that if you, or someone you know, has ever made games or programmed using Silverlight, XNA, or the .NET compact framework, then you may already have the knowledge necessary make a Windows Phone 7 app. Although, once you sign up for the GCA, you’ll also have access to their development tutorials, so you can brush up on any coding skills that you require. The GCA starts on Friday, March 10 at 5p.m. so check it out now at:


Lastly, our GMD judging will be taking place within the next week or two. So, if anyone has any possible prizes that they wish to donate for this year’s GMD (such as a videogame that you’ve already played through and would like to give to someone else) then please email Shane at gmd@utgddc.com.

That is all. Hope to see you at our meeting this week.