Hey, everyone.
This is a reminder that our next Game Club meeting will be happening on Thursday, March 25 from 5-7p.m. in BA3004, which is the same place and time as last week’s meeting. This, however, will be a special Game Club meeting because the winners of the Game-Making Deathmatch 2010 will be announced, and there will be some time to play the games that the participants made for the competition. Also, if you would like to run for one of the club’s executive member positions (President, Vice President, Website Administrator, GMD Administrator, or General Administrator) for next year, then you must declare your intention to run no later than by the end of this Thursday’s meeting. As stated in the Game Club’s constitution, candidates must be nominated by another Game Club member, which means that you cannot nominate yourself. However, to save time, Jen has offered to nominate anyone who wants to run for any position. Voting for the new Game Club executive members will take place on the Thursday of next week at a location and time that will be announced within a week’s time.
So, as you can see, there will be a lot of things happening in this week’s Game Club meeting and hopefully we’ll see you there.